
To serve on the committee you will need to agree with the following:
  • To be active on social media and messenger and represent the club in a positive way
  • Willing to commit to a minimum of a quarterly meeting with the occasional ad-hoc meetings
  • Have good IT skills i.e use of Facebook, Word, Excel, Dropbox, email etc.
  • A willingness to dedicate time to the club, often on a weekly basis
  • Wiling to attend training and club seminars as appropriate
  • To commit to and carry out your role within the committee in order to have a positive impact on the club
  • Have your name published on the website


Chair – John Cole

The role of the Chairperson is to oversee the business of the meetings and to communicate with members on the running and progress of the club.  The ultimate responsibility is to take decisions on behalf of the committee following consultation with its members. The principal duties are:

  • Organising and chairing committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting
  • Ensuring that committee members are aware of their roles and responsibilities
  • Act as the ambassador and/or spokesperson for the club
  • Ensuring the club is visible across all areas


Secretary – John Finch

Ensuring the administration side of the club runs as smoothly as possible and supporting the chair in the running of the committee. The principal duties are:

  • Keeping records of any queries from members and passing it to the appropriate post holder
  • Keeping the membership database up to date and managing membership subscriptions and renewals
  • Ensuring appropriate documents, including minutes are available for committee members
  • Taking and distributing minutes of meetings
  • Liasing with British Cycling, Cycling Time Trials and other governing bodies


Treasurer – Jane Finch

The role of the Treasurer is to oversee the finances of the club and to report on the income and expenditure at committee meetings and the club’s AGM. The main duties are:

  • Managing all income and expenditure, including banking arrangements
  • Managing legal requirements such as taxation and charitable status
  • Reporting quarterly to the committee on the club’s financial status


Ladies Secretary – Unfilled

The Ladies Secretary is there to be a voice for the female section of the club and to encourage new members into the club.  The duties include:

  • Represent the female membership of the club
  • Create rides and answer questions for the women’s section of the club and to share those rides in advance on Facebook.
  • Encourage new riders into the sport and club
  • Handle funding on behalf of the women and girls of the club


Welfare Officer – Unfilled

(Unfilled due to having no children or vulnerable adults in the club at present).

An essential role within the club:

  • Maintaining British Cycling’s high standards in relation to vulnerable groups participating in cycling; allowing piece of mind for participants, their families and cycling clubs by ensuring those working with young people and vulnerable adults are suitable to do so


General Committee Members

  • Billy McIntosh


Other Responsibilities

Other committee responsibilities that are jointly handled:

  • Managing the website
  • Managing the clubs social media accounts
  • Co-ordinating club rides and events
  • Organising club kit
  • Co-ordinating sponsors and sponsorship
  • Links with the community



A copy of the club constitution can be found here.