The code of conduct is to help ensure the safety of the group and to make the experience of riding with the club as pleasurable as possible.
- All riders must wear a helmet. No exception.
- No rider will be left behind. If you find yourself dropping back, the group will wait at the next junction or the top of the hill. Fitter riders will often do hill repeats until the last rider has caught up and had time to catch their breath. As a rider you have a responsibility to choose the correct group that matches your fitness level.
- Riders will ride two abreast and in a group whilst in built up areas. Except when it is unsafe to do so and the command to ‘Single Out’ will be given.
- Riders must follow the highway code at all times. Red light jumping will not be tolerated.
- Abusive behaviour to other riders or road users will not be tolerated.
- You must inform the group or ride leader if you intend to leave the group.
- You must ensure that your bike is roadworthy and you carry the spares and tools necessary for fixing punctures and minor mechanical problems.
- Ensure you have the correct clothing, food and drinks necessary to complete the ride comfortably.
- Don’t engage in road rage that may directed at you or the group. De-escalate not escalate.
- Lastly, let’s not forget the most import rule. Enjoy it!
Lost Rider
- Riders losing the group need to go back to the last place the group was together and wait. A nominated rider will back track to find you.
Mechanical or Injury
- For minor mechanical problems the group will wait and often lend a hand in fixing the problem.
- If the bike cannot be fixed at the roadside or a rider is injured and cannot carry on then a conscious decision must be taken to allow the group to split. This should be done only after it is secured that the lone rider has a means of getting home or receiving appropriate medical assistance.
- For accidents or injuries requiring medical attention:
- Give first aid and contact the emergency services as appropriate
- Always make sure you obtain:
- Contact details for the Third Party driver(s) or person(s) and their insurance details
- Make, model and registration number of any vehicle(s) involved
- Contact details for all witnesses and any witness accounts
- Details of the incident location, including photos of the location and highway defect(s)
- Do not enter into any discussions regarding liability.
- After the event, contact the committee who will then ask you to complete an accident form. The committee may report the incident to British Cycling.
- Any injured cyclist may contact the police and their own insurers if they wish.
Each Rider Must Carry
- Spare tube(s)
- Tyre levers
- Pump or CO2
- Multi-tool
- Chain breaker and quick links
- Plenty to drink
- Food/energy products
- Clothing appropriate to the weather
- Cash
- A mobile phone is optional, but usually a good idea
For new riders to have piece of mind, you may wish to give your phone number to the ride leader before setting out.
Risk Assessment
Our club rides are covered by a risk assessment highlighting potential hazards and good practices for the safety of the group, other roads users and ultimately your enjoyment. The risk assessment is available here. The CCC (Course, Cautions, Conclusion) brief forms part of the risk assessment and is to be given at the start of every club ride.
Head over to our Riding Advice section or FAQ for more information on good practices whilst riding.
Facebook Group – Terms of Use
- You can be a member of the Caerphilly Cycling Club Facebook group without having to be a member of the club.
- You are allowed to sell things within the group that are of interest to group members.
- You are allowed to promote activities within the group provided they are relevant to the group members. E.g. sportives, charity events etc. However, posts that advertise other clubs, business or services that conflict with what Caerphilly Cycling Club and it’s sponsors offer will be removed.
- Only paid club members are allowed to use the group to arrange ad-hoc rides. Non-members are encouraged to attend the club organised rides and subsequently join the club.
- You are not allowed to create your own events within the Event section of the group. This section is reserved for club organised activities sanctioned as such by the committee.
- No swearing. Offensive behaviour or posts will result in your removal from the group.
- Spam posts of little or no relevance in the group will cause your removal from the group.
- On bike footage of incidents should be reported to the police. Posting them on social media could influence future investigations so don’t do it.
- By posting photo’s, videos or other material on the club’s social channels you accept that the club can re-use such material for other purposes. Not limited to re-posting on the club’s other social media channels, marketing and in the use of promotional materials.
The Facebook group is there for the good of the club and its members and it is a vital communication tool for the club. It is an active social hub, very friendly and you are encouraged to make use of it. However, at the discretion of the group admins (or committee if necessary) a breach of the above rules will result in a warning and/or removal of the post or removal of you from the group.
Anyone wishing to make a complaint against a member of the club or the club itself may contact the club here. The complaint will be investigated as fairly as possible and any remedial action acted upon as necessary.